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Logos Christian Ministries was established and founded by Elder Jackie Peterson on August 23, 2009.  Our first service was located at 1282 N. Main St. Marion, Ohio.  This is one of the Christian television stations located in the city.  We were blessed by the owner to allow us to lease a space in their facility.  There were no official members until September 6, 2009. 


Our first membership consisted of Elder Jackie Peterson, Deacon Jerry Peterson, 5 other Adult members, and one 2 year old toddler.  We had a praise team that consisted of 3 of these adults.  One of the male members was our sound man, usher, and trustee.


On Sunday September 20, 2009 we added 4 more adults and 2 children to our membership.  Our first baptism was held at Comfort Inn Rt 95, Marion, Ohio.


Within 3 months, dating from August 23rd to the end of 2009, our membership grew to a total of 26.  We were a proud church.  We leased a 2 hour space each Sunday morning from 9:00am – 11:00am at 1282 N. Main St.  Sunday school was held from 9:00am - 9:45am in addition to our morning worship which was held from 10am-11am.  2 hours on Thursday night from 7:00pm – 9:00pm was used for bible study and meetings.  Our first offering on our first Sunday was $700.00 and we received donations from people as well.


We had what we called a “traveling church”. This was mostly due to us not having our own space to store our church materials.   Our Sunday school materials, finances, communion, paper towels, toilet paper, program, Bibles, and others materials were stored in large plastic containers that we placed in our vehicles and carried back and forth.


In 2010, our ministry grew from 26 members to 45 members, doubling in our 2nd year. We developed our Core Leadership team in that year and we also had our first Mother's Day brunch, which began at 7:00am in the morning on a Sunday morning.  We had 6 men that cooked for all the women. On this special day, we had to tear down the entire television station and transform it from a sanctuary into a banquet hall. It was all completed in enough time for our 10:00 am worship service!


In August of 2010, we held our first Back to School Extravaganza, giving out 300+ school supply bags. This has continued to be an annual event.  Before the 7th paragraph 


We had our first Thanksgiving shopping giveaway in 2010,  as well as our First Women's Day, Men's Day, and Boys' and Girls' outing. We also raised enough money to purchase our first trailer, which was long overdue because it was becoming troublesome to carry our supplies back and forth.  We had our first New Year's Eve Service in December 2010, which proved to be a wonderful fellowship for our congregation.


In the following year, March of 2011, I was officially installed as Pastor. I orginally was scheduled to be installed in December 2010, however, due to a snow storm, we had to cancel.  Bishop Jerome Ross Sr. would not install me until I officially had 50 members, even though at the end of 2010 we only had 45 members, which was very close. He felt that we were growing at a fast pace and this goal was attainable.


In 2011, our ministry grew to 56 members.  We were growing and were ready to do true ministry.  In October 2011, we moved to 196 S. Main St.  It was a large room with other small rooms. We transformed this large room with 3 small offices into a church!!  We purchased chairs and other small furniture with the help of pledges and offerings.  I had my own office, and we had 3 Sunday school rooms.  We had great worship services.  We had our first “Back to School” give away with Kohls department store as a co-sponsor. Our baptisms were moved to the YMCA.


In 2011, we had the following first time ever events: children sleep over, Hallelujah party, financial seminar, family conference, church anniversary banquet, Men's conference, and more.  We loved that place.  We had our first DIVA sleep over.  We were beginning to grow and we knew we would not be there for a long length of time. 


In 2012 our ministry grew from 56 to 85.  We received our 501C (3) non-profit status.


In January 2013, we moved to 582 Lee St. in Marion, Ohio, which is our current location.  Our Ministry grew to from 85 to 106.  We truly began to create more ministries.  We developed our vision and ministries with our mission statements.  We hosted our first Women's Conference.  We have supported many Community events and functions. 


In 2014 our membership has grown from 106 to current 129. 


In July 2016, our YIAM (Youth in anointed ministries) held their first youth conference, which continues to be an annual event. In September of the same year, our First Annual Daughters of Life Annual  Retreat was held at Sawmill Creek, Sandusky, OH.


In July 2017, we started our fresh produce pantry. In October of the same year we purchased our first property located at 594 Lee Street in Marion, OH.


God is not through blessing us.  We have visions that must be fulfilled.  There are still souls that have not come in.  There is work to be done.  Let our light so shine before men, that they may see our good works, and glorify our Father which is in heaven.   

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